A review by natalie_and_company
Be Not Afraid of Love: Lessons on Fear, Intimacy, and Connection by Mimi Zhu


This book spoke to me in ways both expected and completely surprising. I opened this book knowing that I was going to have a life changing experience but the level to which Mimi Zhu's words had an effect on me stretched much farther and wider than the usual scope that books hold in my life. 

Mimi Zhu not only formulates succinctly enjoyable summations of major emotional and social human experiences, but then proceeds to weave these concepts together to create a stunning tapestry of love, beauty, pain, and acceptance. Be Not Afraid of Love does not fall short where many self help do in their stilted and discombobulated combination of ideas and thoughts thrown together in a single pot. Instead Mimi creates a landscape of understanding in which the depth of their writing stretches as broadly as the true depths of the inner world. 

Not only this but Mimi then proceeds to take these valuable internal workings and shows how they apply to our socioeconomic status. Removing the rose tinted glasses that so many spiritualists and self help authors so often glue to their face, Mimi gains the ability to show the impact of the oppressive structures and systems we submit to in this modern day. In doing this, Be Not Afraid of Love goes further than most self help books. It takes the inner world and shows how it is impacted by and impacts the outer world. In this the author provides a truly genuine version of reality, balanced between the inner self and the outer experience. 

Be Not Afraid of Love is as expansive in its reach as love itself. It has reached into the chasm of my own heart and filled it with an all too familiar and yet hard to find sense of comfort. I have never had a book in which I thought that everyone should read, I think people are too different for that. But this truly is a book that I think every person out there would benefit from reading. Do yourself a favor and treat your heart to the gentle touch of Mimi Zhu and their writing.