A review by glo68
Bring a Boxer to His Knees by Charlie Lane


The Cavendish family is back! And what a glorious book is this! The heroine is Nora Cavendish, who was somewhat mysterious with her whereabouts in the previous book… And now we discover why: she joined a circus! A circus with a very alluring strongman to boot!
Can a book be hilarious and heart-rending at the same time? Make one smile and then cry the following page? Well, yes, if it’s a book by Charlie Lane! And this can easily be one of my favorite books of her so far, even if I adored them all. I love her style of writing, unconventional, moving, brimming with emotion. Her characters are wonderfully human, even flawed, but always so relatable. Max is such an endearing hero, strong and vulnerable at the same time. And I love that these books center around one big event that happened to the family (I don’t want to spoiler anything for those who haven’t read the previous books. By the way, this can be read as a standalone as well, because everything is clearly explained) and that shaped them all, for better and for worse. I wish I could give more than five stars to this astounding romance!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.