A review by ashureads
The Magic Fish by Trung Le Nguyen


This was a graphic novel about a young boy and his mother who are distant becaue of a language barrier Tàm having growing up speaking English and his mother trying to learn it. They both meet half way through the use of storytelling. This novel shows the magic of stories and how they can connect people and show us things, how it is a form of expression.

I loved all the stories that Tàm read to his mother beautiful stories about a Princess named - and her falling in love. It was a reflection of what Tàm was feeling for a classmate. For a long time he didn't know how to tell him mother he was gay throughout the book this is the background theme as you read through each story reflecting off the main characters lives. I loved it's portrayal of the love between a mother and her son it was done in such a beautiful way. Along with the things Tàm and his mother both individually face.

Another thing is the art was absolutely amazing I loved the style and all the colours used for different moments. You knew when it was a story Tàm was reading, you knew when it wasn't a story. The glimpses into the mothers life we're a beautiful feature too. I feel like you get so much out of this novel.

It was a deep novel but in a subtle and lovely way there we're so many page turning moments but it never feels like a heavy read. It's one you can read quickly and still enjoy every moment of it. I can't really explain how much I loved it I say just read it because then you'll know just how magical it is~