A review by salicat
The Stonecutter by Camilla Läckberg


So Camilla Läckberg is supposedly considered the Swedish Agatha Christie. Hmm... I don’t know. In a well-written murder mystery, you’re not supposed to correctly guess who the killer is by the second chapter. I did. Either I’m brilliant or the author needs to ease up on the number of clues she gives out.

The story is a quick read though. Pacing works and the prose...does the job. The style isn’t up there with Tana French or Louise Penny. Some of the characters read more like caricatures. Also, I wonder if the author was using the character of Erica Falck as a mouthpiece for her own views about motherhood and mother-in-laws. Erica repeatedly went into diatribes about how sick of breastfeeding she was and how men never help with the housework. Which would be okay if this were a social treatise. Or if it actually had anything to do with the story. It didn’t. These long rants were just an annoying distraction.

I think I’ll just stick with Agatha Christie.