A review by juniperwhiskey
Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco


I only made it through this book because my friend recommended it and loves it. I thought that my studies in the Knight’s Templar and a little of the occult that comes with it would make this book an interesting read, but it was incredibly difficult for me to move beyond the machismo, academic pretension, and the mostly unwarranted angst from all of the male characters in this book. (Although I should just say “characters” as there weren’t really any female characters of note or import, except for those that served to fulfill the sexual needs of the main characters and were given as much attention.) If you REALLY like the occult theories surrounding the Knight’s Templar, and you don’t mind reading dense, prose-like writing that doesn’t stop for several hundred pages and somehow seems to praise itself, you would enjoy this book. The writing style is certainly masterful, but I can’t say the same for anything else.