A review by theshaggyshepherd
Cazadora by Romina Garber


Cazadora // by Romina Garber

Cazadora is such a satisfying continuation in the amazing world built by Romina Garber. Lobizona was unlike any other fantasy book I had read before with the way it tied real world current issues into an entirely new world of magic. While book 1 focused on those issues and how Manu would be received and treated in this new world that she just found out about, book 2 actually allowed us to explore that world in a lot more detail. We got to learn much more about the magic, the culture, the government, the characters, and so on. It was a lot less theoretical and a whole lot more serious action. This book was such a quick read with a really satisfying ending that didn't wrap everything up with a neat bow but rather left some things open to the imagination and also didn't fix all the problems the characters had super neatly. Our world isn't always perfect and neat with 100% happy endings and I love it when a book reflects that as well. Garber did a really good job with that here.

Thank you for the free copy in exchange for an honest review.