A review by theresidentbookworm
Very Funny, Elizabeth by Valerie Tripp


Every month, when I was a little girl, I would get the American Girl catalogue in the mail. Sometimes I would circle all the stuff I wanted for my birthday or Christmas, but I really just loved to look through the catalogue. When the Elizabeth doll came out, I decided I had to have her. I saved all my birthday money and coins, and the next time my parents and I went to Chicago to visit my uncle we went to the American Girl store (aka my childhood version of heaven). I still remember counting out all my coins at the cash register, and my mom embarrassingly apologizing to the cashier about us taking so long. The lady just smiled and said, "She's not the first little girl to do this."

Elizabeth has a unique place in the time of Felicity's series. Her family are staunch Loyalists, but her best friend Felicity's family are Patriots. In a time where Patriots were jailing Loyalists in Williamsburg and occasionally tar and feathering them, Elizabeth and Felicity manage to just be kids. They go to etiquette lessons and make fun of Elizabeth's older sister Annabelle. In this installment, the main worry is Elizabeth and her family moving back to England with the possibility Annabelle marrying. Recommended for Felicity fans!