A review by dominish_books
Aiduel's Sin by Daniel T. Jackson


Illborn was one of my favourite books of 2021, so I pounced on the opportunity to read Aiduel’s Sin, and it did not disappoint. In fact, I wouldn’t be exaggerating to say it somehow exceeded my very high expectations.

There’s a bit of a gap between the two books, so there’s a little bit of backfilling to let the reader know what’s taken place over the three months since the end of Illborn, but once that’s over, the book hits high intensity and just doesn’t let go.

We continue here with the four-character alternating POV, with a few interludes and a prologue from the same POV as that in Illborn. The main difference in that department is the there’s a new “main” character who becomes attached to one of our four Illborn.

I *really* liked this change. The POV is still that of the Illborn, but this new addition, who had just a cameo in the first book, was a revelation. Not only in storyline, with the added knowledge they brought, but also in their character. This character quickly became a favourite, and a real highlight of the book for me.

The story really moves forward, across all four POVs, though some seem to develop towards an apparent endgame quicker than others. Each plotline has its own moments that provide thrills and intrigue, and each is excellent in its own right.

I genuinely cannot remember reading a book that ran for so long on such high intensity as I experienced here. It’s not hyperbole for me to say it was excellent and that I was genuinely wowed by it. Again, I really liked Illborn, and had high hopes for Aiduel’s Sin, and yet I still can’t quite believe how much I liked it. I didn’t think there was *that* much room for improvement from such a solid debut, but DTJ somehow managed it all the same.

I think if you read and enjoyed Illborn, you should definitely enjoy this—hopefully as much as I did. Take all the good things you experienced in that first book, turn the dials up a good few notches, and you have Aiduel’s Sin.

I finished this book on January 16th, and I’m already certain that it will be in my top three come the end of the year. I just had *that* good a time with it. Well done DTJ. Well done.