A review by wasauthor
The Girl in the Clockwork Tower by Lou Wilham


I received an advance review copy of The Girl in the Clockwork Tower for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Billed as a steampunk adaptation of Rapunzel, I must confess to being left disappointed by the lack of steampunk elements, and what a loose adaptation it is, despite some clever nods to the original fairy tale.

Written (and appropriate for) younger readers, this is a G-rated tale that merges fantasy and science fiction. It's light-hearted with a healthy dose of whimsy, but does not offer anything that will challenge the reader, by way of its plot or themes.

The point of view characters are engaging and bring the story along, however lead character Persi's genesis from damsel in distress to heroine in her own right feels quite sudden.

I struggled to suspend my disbelief while reading this book. Set in a fictional world, it references French accents. It features unicorns, who by all appearances are humans with coloured hair, and no explanation about this.

This book wasn't for me, but it is well-written and edited, so if it is your type of thing, you might enjoy it.

For more detailed thoughts about The Girl in the Clockwork Tower, feel free to check out my full review.