A review by a_reader_obsessed
Offside by Alison Hendricks


3 Stars

I’m obviously wholeheartedly all for 2 men in top peak condition jonesing for one another, and as the book covers to this series can attest, there are some very fine MC’s to drool over here.

This time around the love connection is not between two students but a student and a coach which lends a different dynamic that I wasn’t always necessarily comfortable with for some reason.

On one hand you’ve got Lance. Self inflicted retired from the NFL, newly divorced, and now recently turned football coach for the offensive team for the Eastshore Tigers, he’s been hiding the fact that he’s bisexual. Lance is just not ready for the truth to come out and it’s moot, until he can’t help but be attracted to one of his players who’s got real talent .

Beau is that player. He’s out and proud, and he too feels the instant connection with Lance. Thing is, Beau has some personal issues to contend with, and he copes with these problems in a self destructive way that ends up with him making a lot of stupid decisions, putting both himself and Lance in less than ideal situations that implode quite spectacularly.

Now, I’ve enjoyed my fair share of sports themed romances, and it’s almost a given that one or both of the MC’s will be in the closet. In my older age I’ve not made it a secret that the anxiety of such a setup is not one I enjoy as much anymore. So on top of that and MC’s making bad life choices, I was a ball of mangled nerves.

Despite said mangled nerves, fear not, as the angst in this series is thankfully never protracted (though some might feel the resolutions way too quick and easy). This might be my least favorite entry, but it was still a consistent, smexy, dual pov romance, and I think many will have no problem with hot men confronting their sexuality, with various topical conflicts thrown in against a heavy backdrop of college football. If that checks all your boxes, then come on over and start enjoying this series with [b:Strong Side|28668239|Strong Side (Eastshore Tigers, #1)|Alison Hendricks|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1453400265l/28668239._SY75_.jpg|48842633]!