A review by allingoodtime
Paradise Valley by Robyn Carr


From the first time we meet Dan Brady, way back in the first Virgin River book, I knew he would factor in later. Then we kept getting teases of him every so often, each time making me think "this time he'll be pulled into the stories more". Each time I was wrong. I'm so glad we were finally able to get to know him a bit better. I hope he sticks around for a while.

**Possible Spoilers**

As for Rick's storyline...wow. I worked in the Prosthetics field as well as the mobility (wheelchairs, etc.) field for the last 10 years. I've had patients who have such a great outlook on life and those that do nothing but mope around. All of their experiences are different, yet there are some underlying things that are the same. Not being and amputee myself, I can only go by what I've seen over the years. From that viewpoint, Robyn Carr did an excellent job on Rick's storyline.

**End Spoilers**

As usual, the rest of the town also kept me entertained throughout the story. And since I always LOVE a Christmas tale, I'm excited to read the next book. Which it seems may be more of a short story as part of a Christmas compilation of popular authors.