A review by abby_gail_noel
The Coven by Harper L. Woods


Ummmm… okay. There’s a lot to unpack here.

First off: If ONE MORE PERSON “GROWLS,” EVER again, I’m going to LOSE MY MIND.

With that off my chest I can continue. This book was poorly written from the awful, repetitive character descriptions to the toe curlingly painful dialogue. It was reading like a wattpad Harry Potter fan fiction. But honestly, I wasn’t mad at it.

It was giving dark academia x witches. I thought the concept was pretty original and solid. In terms of these dime a dozen romantasy books I thought it had an unusually substantial amount of plot. It had some meat to it, if you will. Also, the spice was not as bad as some people were making it out to be. I thought it was a little intense at times but it was probably only a 2.5-3/5 on my ever evolving Scale of Spice™️.

Also, that ending. I’m officially nominating the last 10-15% of this book for my Book Rollercoaster Moment of the Year™️. I’m being so serious, this last little bit saved the whole rest of the book for me. I bumped it up a whole star for this carefully crafted, emotionally scarring and yet satisfying masterpiece of an ending.

My jaw: on the floor
My eyes: wide
My heart: palpitating
My face: o o

In the end, I think the writing and the overall amount of finesse and polish really let it down. With that being said, it redeemed itself with seconds to spare and I will be buying the sequel faster than you can even say sequel.

*the end