A review by hugbandit7
Two Bites Too Many by Debra H. Goldstein


This book kept me engaged while trying to figure out who had enough motive to kill Lance.

This is the second book in this series and it is just and thrilling as the first.  It seems that Sarah has adjusted to her role as RahRah's caretaker while life continues as normal and she finds herself in the middle of deciphering a crime that has put her mother in the hot seat.  There are also some issues regarding her sister Emily that take an interesting turn.

As with the first book, I enjoyed getting to know a few more town residents and picturing more of the town through the author's descriptions while trying to figure out who the killer could be this time.  While there are a few characters I wouldn't mind it being, I feel like they are going to be permanent to the storyline.  There are many possibilities and the author does a good job throwing in multiple suspects and motives.  While this killer was one character I had suspicions about, I didn't know for certain until the end.  

The relationship between Sarah and Emily is a typical sibling and twin relationship.  There are highs and lows but you can tell that they care what happens to each other.  Their mother is quite a character, but I feel like it adds more dimension to the story.

Overall we give this book 5 paws up and look forward to the next installment.