A review by paddlefoot55
Heart of a Bad Boy by Sugar Jamison


Copy received via Netgalley for an honest review


This book again follows the same timeline as the first two books, so if you haven't read them you will be fine.

This is the brother's story that I have really been wanting. With the glimpses of Levi and Shelly's relationship through his brothers eyes, I just knew that this was going to be the one that got me in the feels.

I loved that how through everything, they never lost contact - sure they might not have seen each other in years, but still there was that connection that only best friend have, that only those you truly care for can keep.

This really was a summer of first for Shelly,and at times I laughed out loud, at other times my heart ached for her as we saw what she had been missing. Her story is like a butterfly coming out of it's cocoon.

There really was so much more to Levi's story than one would think, and I felt for him as we learn more of his childhood (which if you have read the other books you know about)

Heart of a Bad Boy was definitely my favourite book in this series, and even though I am sad to see the series come to an end, I am looking forward to seeing what Ms Jamison brings us next.

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