A review by julieannasbooks
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear


In short: this book was exactly what I was looking for.

Not too long ago I read Charles Duhigg's book, The Power of Habit (read my review here). And while I liked the book overall, I was expecting some sort of personal application to all of the anecdotes in that book. So when I started listening to Atomic Habits on audiobook, I realized that this was the kind of information I was expecting out of The Power of Habit. And when James Clear himself mentioned that he considered his book to be a sort of continuation of that very book, I knew I picked up the right book.

Atomic Habits breaks down habits: how habits are formed, why the human brain seeks immediate reward over long-term reward, and why some habits are more easily created than others. With that information, he teaches us what is needed in order to change our habits for good. Clear also includes several resources, including templates, strategies, and figures that will help you on your way to breaking bad habits, and establishing good ones in their place.

While I personally have made a lot of good changes in my habits recently, there are some that I just haven't been able to keep up with. I understood why in Atomic Habits. I've heard of many others reference the main takeaways of this book (mainly "make systems, not goals"), but now that I've read the book in its entirety I've earned so much more from it. Clear also divides habit formation into four rules he calls The Four Laws of Behavior Change. These laws are (1) make it obvious, (2) make it attractive, (3) make it easy, and (4) make it satisfying. From there, he breaks down the laws with stories of successful habit-changers and many ways of formatting your habit change so that it follows all four of these conventions.

I can easily say that this is one of the top personal development books that I've read. From here I'm looking forward to exploring more of Clear's content on his site and using the resources he provides so that I can work on my own habits.

Find more of my reviews here: www.julieannasbooks.com