A review by writervid
Again, but Better by Christine Riccio


Well. This was a time.

I wasn't expecting much outside of an easy read, to be honest, although I was looking forward to the idea of traveling via book (which I didn't feel much like I did? But I digress). So my experience with this will be summed up via short fun lists:


- I appreciated that there was a clear separation in voice and growth from 2011 to 2017 in Shane. I think that was necessary, and I deeply enjoyed it.

- The dialogue flowed well. Did I like all of it? No. Was it paced pretty well and did it keep me remarkably sucked in? Yes.

- I liked the emphasis on the parental relationships; I think so many books can overlook that, and to look at the pressure behind the relationships and the complicated emotions that come with that was interesting, and pretty decently done, even if the full issues with the relationship aren't addressed.

- The overall premise isn't bad, just cliche.


- I really couldn't stand Shane Primaveri. I tend to like unlikeable characters, but. God. She read like a high school freshman despite being in college, and seemed like someone who would view themselves as "not like other girls," despite having the same set of interests as many in the mainstream in 2011. While this could just be me, I don't think it was. There weren't really emotional levels or depths to her character--she was always just so happy! lost! we're in 2011!

- Shane's motivations seemed all over the place. Why is she obsessed with Pilot after meeting him--and why did that supercede her stepping out of her comfort zone? Why was she still that into him six years later? Speaking of the love interest, who names their child Pilot?

- If you're going to do a travel book, have us travel with you. I don't just want to know that pasta is packaged differently; I want to know what it FEELS like in that new place.

- Emotional cheating???

- Why the magical element?

- This is clearly a wish fulfillment book. I've watched like 2 of Christine's videos, and this is clearly her writing herself fan fiction. And that's fine, do what you will! But if it's published traditionally, I shouldn't be able to tell so clearly that you're writing yourself into a character, and your dreams and wishes into a character's life.