A review by zare_i
The Punisher MAX, Vol. 7: Man of Stone by Garth Ennis


Punisher's actions against Russian organized crime will bring unwanted attention from the dishonored general seeking revenge against the people who assaulted power plant he was responsible for (few issues back, assault by Frank and Fury). Wanting to prove that attack was planned and executed by US general will create a trap for Frank and bring him to the wastelands of Afghanistan for .... conversation I think is what they both call it, rest of the world would say...... I don't think normal people have a name for it :)

As is case with all other MAX series Punisher books this one is especially bloody. I like the old/new (now almost obsessive) notion that Russians are always big, subtle as tractor, walking around with the machetes hacking people left and right. This is becoming such a cliche that it is ridiculous. Above almost always crosses wires with the (I guess irresistible) attempts to say - ho and behold they are gruesome murderers but they have valor and honor (criminals, yeah right). I do not know why do they insist on this - if these are criminals let them be dont make them pariahs that just found themselves on the wrong side. At least guys Frank is fighting against do not fall into this category of accidental criminals.

Because of this whenever I see Russians as bad guys in US media I cannot stop but giggle because they represent them all as US and Europe robber barons and their private armies from the beginning of the 19th century and go baddie-baddie (and then make films about 1920's gangsters like they are lost values of ages past..... go figure).

In any case due to the area where action takes place, this one reads more like adventure pulp fiction than other books. There are choppers, desert, agents, paramilitary troops, hi caliber weapons and people (yup, not only Punisher) seeking vengeance. There is also loss (which again made me giggle considering that Punisher is as friendly as grizzly waking before spring) - in one word true escapism and it feels like watching good old action movie from 80's and 90's.

Art is very good - you can just see how Punisher is not a subtle guy, never was. His rage against everything Evil in the world just burns and burns and at some point [when Frank truly gets upset] it spills over and then it is end game for any opponent he can see and touch. To see how dark he truly is just open any page of this issue. He is tormented soul caught into never-ending war.

Recommended to all fans of adventure-paperback-stories and Punisher in particular.