A review by saber
Dear Sexy Ex-Boyfriend by Lauren Blakely


2.5 stars

This was a fine romance, but I was frustrated by the male MC being pointlessly British. I think I’ve read too many romances where the man was British just for the accent which = sexy. As someone whose lived in England let me tell you a British accent is rarely sexy (no offense meant to my British friends). My point being that I’m over this trope. Especially since it made no logical sense for this book. The guy grew up in the US after his family moved to NYC for the better health care (which also makes zero sense) and he still has an accent after being in the states since a young teen when all his friends are American? And the one word he uses is arse? I’d get it if his accent came out with his family but with his friends and co-workers? It’s a minor thing, but it did bring me out of the story a lot which is why I mention it.

It was also pointlessly set in NYC. Again I think I’m at a point where I’ve read too many books set in NYC when it doesn’t need to be/city isn’t being utilized. Other than the MCs running in Central Park there was nothing to say this book was set in NYC and since the MCs become internet famous and recognized it would have made sense for the book to take place in a different city. Because New Yorkers don’t care about real celebrities let alone Twitter ones.

Overall a solid romance I liked just fine. I’m just so bored/frustrated of the above tropes that I’m unable to ignore them and focus on the otherwise good story.