A review by puttingontheglitz
The Cracks in the Kingdom by Jaclyn Moriarty

Ugh, this book. I didn't get along well with the first book in this trilogy, to be honest, but I loved the world of Cello so much I kept reading...This was a mistake. I got a little more than 200 pages in, and was still not feeling it, so I decided to DNF this book.
It's not a bad book, per se, it's just SO slow! The first book was slow too, but I excused that because I thought it was just because it was setting up the world and the characters and things like that. It did get interesting in the last 1/4 of the book, though. I thought, maybe the next book will pick up now that the world-building is pretty much done and the characters are fleshed out. I WAS WRONG! This book does have a few big things happen in it, but between these occurrences, there's a bunch of talking and journeying and more world-building and I just can't read any more of that! Except for the world-building. That is still really intriguing me! But I think it's time to set this book aside if the only thing that is interesting me is the world and not the characters or plot or anything. So I skimmed the rest of this book and will not be reading the final book in the trilogy.

See this and other reviews on my blog, Pages Aflutter