A review by sjj169
The May Queen Murders by Sarah Jude


The blurb on this book completely tricked me! This book was supposed to be good.

Ivy lives in the Glen. She lives in a remote community that sticks to itself and doesn't really care for outsiders (they call them rollers) Life is simple in the glen, they don't have regular electricity, TV or any modern conveniences.
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Ivy sticks to her memories of her mamie's old tales and is besties with her cousin Heather. Mamie has quit talking ever since Ivy's grandfather died though and all Ivy has of her is her old tales. She just sits in the attic now.

Ivy and Heather both go to school with the rollers because of something that happened with the Glen getting in trouble (it's never explained)...Ivy notices that Heather has started pulling away from her. Heather seems to be growing up faster than Ivy and it breaks her heart.
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Then animals start showing up that have been brutally murdered. There is legend of that crazy man Birch Markle surfacing again. Years ago the May Queen was murdered and everyone knew Birch done the deed but he ran off in the woods and all they see or hear of him now is the screaming in the woods.
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(That would get on my dang nerves! All that screaming at night for all those years and no one snapped and hunted him down and told him to shut the hell up?)

There is talk of not having the May Day celebration or the crowning of the May Queen. Too much badness is going on in the Glen. But they go ahead with it anyways. *sigh*

Heather's secrets get her in trouble but of course Ivy is spying to find them out anyways. One thing that drives me nuts in a book like this is if there is a crazy ass murderer in the woods do you continually wander off by yourself in the woods? Stupid or brave. I'm kinda going with stupid.
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This book could have been good. It just lacked the skill set to do so. Great blurb. Good story base..but it just felt like a hot mess to me. It tries way too hard, loose ends are left hanging and Ivy's character in the beginning was so awkward..then once she gets a boy's attention she is the wonderful heroine?
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1.5 stars

Booksource: Netgalley in exchange for review