A review by philyra91
Shadow Days by Andrea Cremer


Shadow Days will probably be the only reason why I'm not giving up on the Nightshade series just yet. While I don't exactly see the point of this novella, what with it not really giving us more information about the mystery of the series, at least I have found a character that I don't mind investing my emotions in. (In case you're wondering, I care about Ren too.)

This novella covers Shay's time from him in previous home to moving to Vail to his meeting with the bear. He seems to have an easy-going nature and charm and he certainly is a likable character. It would have been nice if this novella had given us a bit more substance in terms of the mysteries of the series but overall, it's not a bad novella per se.

If you're interested in seeing Shay uncover a mystery and yet, find no answers for it, this one's for you. :D