A review by lithium_peaches
The Last Witch Queen by Allison Carr Waechter


A stellar follow-up to the first volume, Vessel of Starfire. Waechter has woven another intricate and alluring page-turner: this books sings with magic.

The Last Witch Queen sets a much faster pace than the first book, and we get a much deeper understanding of the universe Interra lives in, and what it means for so many different peoples.
I deeply appreciated the shifting perspectives in the chapters. It was amazing to get to know some of my favorite characters more intimately, and to hear their stories in their own voices.

The world-building and lore is top-tier: it is rich and mysterious. It’s complex without being complicated. It raises questions even as you get answers in a way that draws you into the world Waechter has built. I also loved all the moments of domesticity and heartfelt connection that cut through and ground this wonderful tale.

A truly wonderful read, this series has quickly become one of my favorites of all time.