A review by anastasias_reading
Across Dark Seas by Clare Sager


4/5 stars
mild spice
- good pace
- fun pirate adventuring
- saber tooth cat riding
- quick read
- good character developing
- teensy spice, but not a particularly fun kind

Let's being by saying, I love Clare Sager and her writing. I've gone backwards in regards to her writing order, starting with her most recent works and seeing how much her storytelling has built.

'Across Dark Seas' is the epilogue for the 'beneath black sails' quartet, introducing Avice Ferrers and her starting her glow up as 'Lady Vice,' a formidable and do-good pirate. This also introduces the character of Kat from the 'Kiss of Iron' series (which is SERIOUSLY great). Avice fights against her upbringing as a meek and subservient lady in a family with a domineering figurehead, and as an 18 year old, decides to bet on herself by marrying her first love. Edored is a handsome and dashing young man who she most CERTAINLY has rose-tinted glasses for, and their whirlwind romance and marriage leads them to a life on the run. Their only escape comes in the form of a pirate, and becoming part of their crew, leaving everything they've ever known behind.

I enjoyed the book, and loved this world that's tied into ours by same-named cities, ports, and islands. One of the best parts? Kat! She's an incredible heroine in the adjoining series, 'A Kiss of Iron,' and wow did I love her in this story. The spice? Well, it's there, but not in a steamy sense. Poor Avice, she's just trying to find her way in this world as a woman with needs, and her sexual encounters aren't leaving you wanting more. There IS a handsome pirate captain described with broad shoulders and corded muscle. Let's hope he makes an appearance in the other books.