A review by thisisstephenbetts
The Honourable Schoolboy by John le Carré


A slightly strange Le Carré, this. Actually felt like the most James Bondish of the ones that I've read to date - there are the exotic locations, a damsel in sort-of-voluntary distress involved with the villains, the main character even chooses to carry a small Walther handgun (that must have been a deliberate reference!) Basically it just felt more glamorous, exotic and adventure-filled than earlier books.

There was also a lot of politics, and one or two rogue operators - reminded me a bit more of James Ellroy novels (pleasantly - not always a given with Ellroy).

There's still plenty of the digging away in the vaults by the eccentric characters at the Circus, and lots of political jockeying in London. Smiley is still as engaging as ever, but I didn't have the same through and through enjoyment of earlier LeCarrés. Looking forward to Smiley's People though.