A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Cursed by Jen Calonita


This series and I had a rocky relationship. The first book and I didn't really have a click and yet somehow I needed to have the second book anyway. And then the second, third and fourth book were way more my thing, maybe because I knew what to expect and picked them up when that was what I needed most. I was once more struggling a little with the fifth book, due to it feeling like a filler book, but I was very excited to dive into this final installment.

This book is a rollercoaster from start to finish. Everything goes incredibly fast and there's a lot of action. After all, our heroes are attempting to stop Rumple and Rumple is attempting to catch Gilly. I'm pretty sure that most younger readers will enjoy all the excitement. There is no dull moment, there are no boring chapters and quite literally the characters are traveling from one place to the next and are constantly on the move.

I personally would have loved to have a few more quiet moments, a few more meaningful conversations, but those characters have come a long way and they all did a lot of growing during the last five books. There was actually only one last character in need of a little character growth of her own, and that was Anna. I've always been like Gilly when it comes to Anna. I refused to give up on her. I refused to believe she was a true villain. After all, do those even exist in this world?

But, in between all the action, the hard choices, the characters making choices and villains and heroes trying to change the world, there are some amazing life lessons hidden. Not in the first place when it comes to black and white thinking. What happens to a person if they are called a villain and never get a second chance? And what does it do with a hero if they can never do something bad? I hope that Calonita isn't done playing around in this world because I'm not ready to let the world go.