A review by jessicamap
In This Moment by Karma Brown


In This Moment is my first book by Karma Brown, and it did not disappoint! This was an incredibly emotional read about a woman's guilt over an unexpected tragedy, that she believes that she caused.

Meg Pepper is happy with her life - she has a successful and fulfilling career in real estate, her husband is about to open his own medical practice, and a well-behaved teenage daughter, Audrey. One afternoon, Meg is picking up Audrey from school - a seemingly normal afternoon. They see Jack, the twin brother of Audrey's boyfriend walking home. Meg stops and waves Jack across the road so he can cross, at that moment, an SUV comes barreling down the street and hits Jack. The driver, one of the high school teachers, did not see him because he was too busy texting on his phone.

Meg blames herself for this avoidable tragedy. In her guilt, she absorbs her life into helping Jack and his family as he goes through rehab from the accident. In her attempt to absolve her guilt she begins to alienate her family and friends - she quickly learns the ripple effect of her actions and how they begin to threat everything that is important to her.

This was an incredibly emotional read. Brown was able to portray the emotions and struggle that all of the characters were experiencing. Meg's guilt was consuming her and she was completely unaware that it was affecting her marriage and her relationship with her daughter - even her career was at risk. It was so interesting to read because we never truly understand the ripple effect that our actions can cause, until it's too late. I'd highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a well-written story that pulls at the heart strings.

I give this 4/5 stars!

Thank you to the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion.