A review by eesh25
Frostbite by Richelle Mead


3.5 Stars

I like this book a lot more than I liked Vampire Academy. It took me a long time to finally get to it but I read it and have, thus, completed my don't-dump-a-series-before-reading-second-book obligation. Now I don't have to read the next one. Though I probably will since I liked this one.

Rose wasn't nearly as annoying as she was in the previous book. She was still immature and kind of annoying but it was okay. Lissa still doesn't real have much of a role other than being the girl Rose needs to protect. She needs more of a personality. Another person that needs more of a personility is Dimitri. He's still just Rose's love interest (for the most part) instead of a full three dimentional character.

I missed Christian. He wasn't in the book as much as I would have liked him to be and that sucked since he was the only good character from book 1.

One of the main problems I had with the book was that I thought it was slow. The first 18 chapters were beasically a whole lot of talking and delibertaing over feeling with a pinch of plot building. The story wasn;t big enough for a book this big (and the book's not even that big). The book should've been smaller or the story more... just more. It was because of the lack of plot points and planning that the characters were starting to seem slow as well. At times they just seemed stupid. Like, who even allowed them to get to highschool?

Every revelation and every step that the characters decided to make, I figured out ages before because they were so obvious. The getting the darkness from Lissa thing and pretending to give in and burning the handcuffs. I was bored waiting for them to figure it out. Now, if this was a book for 12 year-olds, that would've been okay. But it not. YA novels need more substance.

So overall, better than Book 1 but not that good. We'll see what happens in Book 3 when, or if, I get to it.

P.S. What was the point of the Prologue? It was just a recap of book one. Minus the good parts i.e. Christian. Also, I still stand by the fact that the only reason Rose sometimes see what Lissa is seeing is because the author couldn't be bothered with third person or dual POV.