A review by cpcabaniss
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë


"I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will."

I've started Jane Eyre several times in the past, but never finished it. I think it was a timing and mindset thing, more than anything else, as I made it through the whole thing this time - and enjoyed it a lot!

I've seen multiple screen adaptations, so I knew the story, which I think hindered the impact it would have had otherwise. Ordinarily, I don't mind knowing a story before I go into it, but with this the gothic elements weren't as strong, since I already knew the mystery.

I liked both Jane and Mr Rochster as characters. The only other two characters that brought out much strong emotion were Aunt Reed and St John, who made me heartily dislike them.

This was not brilliant nor did it immediately jump to my favorite books list, but I did enjoy it a lot and believe I will visit it again in the future.