A review by gaderianne
The Bookseller by Cynthia Swanson


I wanted to love this book. I really did. It just didn't end up captivating me. In fact, I believe I tried to read this book before and I ended up giving up. This time I persisted through and, although it was an interesting concept, I just didn't love it.

The concept is intriguing - Kitty, a single, 1960s business woman, starts having vidid dreams about a different life. One where married, had a family, and gave up her business. The dreams become so real she soon can't tell which world is real - is her dream world her real world? Or is she dreaming when she thinks she's awake.

Even the overall message of this book was good. It's about self-discovery, finding yourself, learning to live with regret, and reconciling the what-ifs we all have.

However, I just didn't think it was a captivating read for me.