A review by taisie22
Breathless by Anne Stuart


If you like twisted, evil heroes, then Lucien de Malheur is for you (full disclosure: I love Lucien). He's determined to seek revenge on the Rohan family for what happened to his sister and plans to use Miranda Rohan as the instrument for that reprisal. Miranda is a resilient young lady. She was ruined by a cad and has lost her place in society, but makes the best of it. But she's lonely, and when Lucien throws out his lures, well, you can just imagine (or read the book).
I really love this series. Ms. Stuart has written a wonderful set of characters here, and what would you expect with the parents they had if you read Reckless, the second book of the series. Jane, part of the secondary romance, was a quiet counterpoint to Miranda, but her love story makes a lovely contrast to the wildness of Lucien and Miranda. Lucien is the man you love to hate and I loved how Miranda stood up to him and brought out the best in him but didn't change his character too much.
Oh, and the Lake district setting! In my opinion, Cumbria doesn't get used enough in historical romances and it should with the wild loveliness of the peaks and water. I can't wait to keep going in this series and see what Ms. Stuart has ready for me next.