A review by lucasilievskie
The Mammoth Book of Cthulhu by



A deeply average collection of new Lovecraftian fiction featuring a number of decently-written short stories and a number of terrible ones.

I have less of an issue with the stories themselves and more with the collection as a whole – there was no coherence, no underlying theme, no degree of connectedness between the tales that made me feel like I was reading a carefully-selected, carefully-curated short story collection. It just felt like a hodgepodge of low to medium quality short stories tied together loosely by cosmic horror motifs.

My favorites: A Clutch; Outside the House, Waiting for the Crows; Alexandra Lost; I Dress My Lover in Yellow; Variations on Lovecraft Themes. Everything else in the collection was forgettable or just...not very well written.

I’d advise anyone interested in picking this collection up to read only a select number of stories – don’t waste your time reading every single one. Some of them are really not worth your time.