A review by divapitbull
The Dirt on Ninth Grave by Darynda Jones


3 1/2 stars

The Dirt on Ninth Grave picks up where Eighth Grave After Dark left off. After an epic confrontation with Lucifer, Osh was forced to tell Charley her celestial name - which caused her to come into her powers before her corporeal form expired. Add to that Charley having to hand Beep over into the safe keeping of the Loehrs since her light is now shining so brightly that she’s basically a beacon leading Satan’s minions straight towards her daughter – and Charley has the mother or all psychotic break meltdowns. Next thing you know she’s somehow “mojo-ed herself to Sleepy Hollow, New York; sans memories and identity.

For 95% of DoNG Charley is amnesiac Janey Doerr working as a waitress at the Firelight Grill. Unbeknownst to her, her friends and loved ones pinpointed her location within an hour of her disappearance – but in deference to her delicate mental state decide it’s best to keep an eye on her while revealing her past to her slowly so as not to do more damage.

I must have a love/hate relationship with Charley because I enjoy her books for the most part – but I always find something to complain about. In DoNG – I enjoyed the interactions between the characters and watching Charley try to put the pieces together and figure things out. I enjoyed her interactions with Reyes and even felt some of the chemistry I’ve always complained about not feeling between them. (Although I did get annoyed with Charley waxing ecstatic about Reyes’s physique. The man is attractive. Got it. ‘nough said). But a lot of (most of) DoNG felt like “filler”. Not very much at all happened to advance the main storyline – although we did get a few tidbits at the very end. Other than that it was lots of mysteries of the week: the Vandenbergs – who somehow got mixed up with a Russian Arms dealer and Al Qaeda in a story so convoluted I still don’t really know what the fuck was going on; the ghostly baby killer, the headless horseman and Ian the psycho cop. And of course the lives and loves of the Firelight Grill crew.

DoNG felt like spending time with old friends - it was pleasant and comfortable. But I'd really like to get on with things!
