A review by booksbasilbabies
After the Fire by Will Hill


This book. Holy mercy. I’m covered in chills.

Moonbeam’s story has left me gutted and shaking and full of so many incredible deep feelings. While it is a work of fiction, the fact that so many people have experienced exactly what this girl did leaves me cold. The fact that I myself was in a cult—although not on a compound like this one—and that my situation could have been much much worse...equally chilling.

Something else that Will Hill writes effectively on is trauma. The going back and forth from “Before” to “After,” back and forth back and forth, is an incredibly effective tool in both storytelling and in painting a picture of the deep trauma and PTSD that Moonbeam is experiencing both past and present and how her life will always be in the “after.”

This book was vivid, majorly intense, and full of depth and grief and sorrow and freedom and horrors unspeakable. Major TWs for religious trauma, sexual assault, death, abuse, etc. but all in all, this is a five star book WELL worthy of the time spent to read it.