A review by clawdeenwolf_
The Serpent's Shadow by Rick Riordan


1.5/5 stars

What a journey for a trilogy. I was first delighted, then slightly pleased, to end up wishing it was over already.

As with the book before this one, although the events are different, there is a repetition in terms of style. For starters, once again I am unable to see any development in the characters. Carter remains very insecure and Sadie strikes me as even more shallow than in the first book. As for the romance, it overlaps with the main plot and is given a prominence that isn't really needed or deserved. I mean, don't even get me started on Carter's obsession with Zia even though he barely knows her.

To end with some positive points about the series, I would say that it was very interesting to learn about Egyptian mythology, which was new to me. To be honest, I think Riordan does an excellent job incorporating information and using his knowledge to enrich his storytelling. I loved that the characters traveled the world and that we got to see them beyond the borders of America. And I also appreciated the adventure aspect and the action scenes, the author has mothered the formula of what for me is one of his strengths.

I wouldn't say I regret reading this trilogy as it hasn't overshadowed how I feel about the author's other books. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed considering how much I enjoyed the first installment. However, this is not going to stop me from reading the rest of his series.