A review by natalie_and_company
Mansfield Park by Jane Austen


Did I Like it? Meh. Do I completely understand why she is a prolific writer and people enjoy her writing? Yeah I think I do. This is the true duality of woman.

Jane Austen seems to build her character's details first, quirks first, then finds the corresponding personality traits that might inspire those details to exist. The characters are defined by how they interact with their horses and their opinions on exercise first before it is declared that they are stuck up, or nervous, or quiet. I think building characters this way definitely makes for funny characters and dialogue but the characters are almost caricatures in that way. It gives the text it's dreamy feel. 

There were deep moments of hilarity but sprinkled in through mud. These gems in the form of sentences were not frequent enough to make up for some of the mind-numbing and irrelevant details that were involved in every single thing. 

also why was the happy ending the one with the incest