A review by karen_the_baroness
Murder at a Scottish Castle by Traci Hall


Murder at a Scottish Castle by Traci Hall has Paislee Shaw solving the mystery of why Jory Baxter collapsed while playing the bagpipes. 

Will Paislee get to the bottom of the mystery? 

Paislee Shaw 
Paislee Shaw is a young mum to a twelve-year-old boy and lives on a budget. She is also the owner of a specialty sweater shop from which one can also buy yarn. Pasilee has made it to the big time if the dowager countess wants to have some of Paislee’s cashmere knitting projects in her gift shop at the castle. Paislee is a good person who has a lot on her plate and two budding romances. I like Paislee, and I think she is doing a great job raising her son and her store and life. However, Paislee would probably beg to differ on that last one. 

Jory Baxter, the Victim 
Jory Baxter is a new bagpiper that Clan Cunningham found for last year’s competition to beat Clan Grant, who are the owners of the castle where the competition is held. He thought of himself as this gift to the ladies. This was also showcased while playing the bagpipes as he thought he had all the ladies swooning after him. Sadly, that wasn’t the case with most of everyone at the competitions. Jory kept many things about himself a secret, including from his teammates. Jory Baxter, while alive and dead, was not a good person. I feel sad that he died so young, but it was the way he acted alive that got him killed in the end. 

Five Stars
I am giving Murder at a Scottish Castle by Traci Hall five stars and a recommendation. Ms. Hall did a fantastic job of writing, making me feel like I was actually in Scotland helping out Paislee. This story had me captivated from the beginning to the end. I adored Wallace, and I loved the idea of Paislee’s shop. Paislee has a great friend who supports her while pushing her out of her comfort zone on a few things. I know that almost everyone deserves a friend like that. 

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. 

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Murder at a Scottish Castle by Traci Hall

Until the next time, 
Karen the Baroness 

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