A review by the_naptime_reader
Fury by Salman Rushdie


Remember that scene in Bridget Jones' diary when she is instructed by her boss "Mr. Titspervert" to introduce him at the launch party. Bridget stands up on stage and stumbles through a terrible speech. She says something like "Kafka's Motorbike, the greatest book of our time" She then looks out and sees Rushdie and says something to the extent of, "Your books aren't bad either"

Well all this to say that as I read this book, I found myself feeling like Bridget, awkward and stumbling through. Rushdie must set the record for the number of allusions in his writing to Greek mythology, philosopy, pop culture, etc. Which is fine as it fully engages your brain, but also has you scrambling to google things. The mood of this book is defintely dark and depressing, and perhaps I was not in the right mood to read it.

This is defintely outside the range of what I would normally read, so I was glad for the stretch. I appreciate the skill with which Rushdie writes, but it was a little much for me.