A review by marinelibrareads
Katzenjammer by Francesca Zappia


I was really scared of this book at first as a consequence of the bad reviews I saw on this book. I love Francesca Zappia’s writing and I was so excited to hear about her new book… and in the end I’m not disappointed BUT it’s not as good as her other works.

I was actually planning on giving this book a four or five stars rate… until the end. The end felt so rushed and imposed a reading of the book I didn’t want to have and I didn’t want to share. But so am I to contradict the author?

This book was deeply interesting, fast-paced and heart breaking and I would recommend it but I just wished I could delete the end.

TRIGGER WARNINGS! (from the author herself)
School bullying and violence / ed / gore, blood and death mentioned and depicted / sexual harassment

‘It hurt, knowing he was there, but I couldn’t touch him, couldn’t speak to him, as if we were on two sides of a thick glass wall’

‘I had to mark everything, even if no one ever saw. I had to draw picture after picture, and it never felt like enough. I was pretty sure when I died, I would still feel like I hadn’t been here’

‘The world wasn’t created to make sense, and I was finished trying to find some in it’