A review by keepingyouonread
The Haunted Woods by Calliope Glass


Sparkleton The Haunted Woods picks up Sparkleton’s quest for wish-granting magic. He will do anything to get the magic, but neglects to do his homework. This time, on advice from his friends he sets out to spend the night in the haunted woods. If he can make it through the night, the rumor is he’ll get wish-granting magic.

Sparkleton and friends encounter a variety of challenges to the woods where they must work together and think about what they learned in school.

I like the short chapters and the recaps of how many words we’ve read, and how far we have to go.

There are a lot of unicorns to keep up with but the author has a photo guide at the beginning. We referred to this a lot.

The messages of working together and the importance of school were good and easily digestible for young readers. There are enough illustrations to keep younger readers engaged. The haunted woods is a little scary for younger readers (we had a lot of, it’s pretend, do you want to stop conversations).