A review by mimireadsromance
Breath of Deceit by Selena Laurence


When the author mentioned that this book would not be her usual romance, but instead a story about an Irish crime family in Chicago, I was so excited! I am one of those gals that loves the mob/mafia/crime syndicate films and TV shows. I just knew Selena Laurence had the writing chops to really entertain me and she did NOT disappoint! I read this book twice, first as an advanced reader copy and then my purchased copy when it landed on my kindle at midnight (Who needs sleep? Not this reader!). Selena Laurence has a real knack for writing sexy, smart, layered characters and I was happy to see that same writing style carry over into this book. The MacFarlane family is intense! I love these Irish brothers and the way that each of their stories is brought to life in this book. As a reader, you think you understand their motivations for being involved in the family business, but then come the little bits of information that make you consider the characters in a different way. Each has their role to play, and it's fascinating to follow along as their choices play out. The plot, as I stated earlier, is not a romance with a HEA; however, there are romantic elements and couples that I found myself hoping would be able to work through their issues. Beyond all of that, at it's core this book is a fascinating look at a very twisted family dynamic! The brothers' devotion to one another, especially in light of their father's particularly nasty attitude, is almost heartbreaking. The story-line, full of so many secrets, regrets, and sacrifices, was excellent. I'm honestly looking forward to reading this book again. Yes, AGAIN! I need more of the MacFarlane family and really can't wait to get my hands on the next book.
I really hope that if you love Selena Laurence's work, but you initially balked at reading this book, that you'll reconsider. I know it's a new direction, but the MacFarlane brothers are so worth taking the chance! The author continues to prove her spot on my Top 10 auto-buy list is well-deserved!

Note***I call dibs on Cian! Yep, he's mine. Sorry, not sorry!