A review by mrsbear
Nocturne by Syrie James


I am not a big romance reader and usually won't even pick one up but I had read and enjoyed Ms. James other book, Dracula, My Love: The Secret Journals of Mina Harker so I agreed to give this a read. I have to say, not many books read like a play or movie but this one does. When I say that I mean that as you read each chapter you can very easily visualize the scenes playing out like watching a movie or a play. They come to life that much.

I liked Michael from the first time he showed up on the snowy road, tired and not wanting to help Nicole who was stranded. But we knew he would and he did. Michael is in a word, amazing!
The book in many ways reminded me of the fairy tales that I used to read my daughter. Michael was certainly no ogre or beast but it was that element of imperfection that drew me to him. I don't want to use any spoilers so you will just have to trust me and read the book!

We get to know Michael and Nicole very well since other than wild animals there are the only characters in the book. I can't say that Nicole is someone that I would want to be friends with but I enjoyed watching things between her and Michael play out. The ending while not a cliff-hanger certainly in my opinion left room for another book.

If you like a nice story with a paranormal twist and a little mystery thrown in, give this book a read. Nice for a take along read or just to escape for a weekend.