A review by elliefufu
One of These Nights by Kendra Leigh Castle


One of These Nights, Harvest Cove #3, by Kendra Leigh Castle
Grade: B-

Zoe Watson might have grown up a Georgia peach but she knows she made the right decision to move to Harvest Cove and open her art gallery. Everything is going great for her except her love life and the fact that the only man to turn her heard in years makes it his life's goal to drive her crazy. Jason Evans is the one man Zoe loves to hate and when he gets in a bind and asks for help she just can’t seem to say no. Now spending actual time with him Zoe sees that all of her hate was just one big crush that she can’t seem to get out of her head.

Jason Evans has sworn off relationships but that doesn’t mean he can’t look especially at the sexy art gallery owner Zoe Watson. Zoe is pure class and way out of Jason’s league but when she agrees to pretend to be his girlfriend to help him with his family he’s shocked. Jason is surprised at how much he enjoys spending time with Zoe which leads to him being unable to keep his hands off of her. As much as Jason likes Zoe he’s still battling demons from his past that could destroy their relationship for good.

I’ve been a big fan of the Zoe and Jason relationship since book one and he started stomping the forest into her gallery so I was very happy to finally get their story. I really enjoyed Zoe a lot more than I expected and she put up with a lot more from both Jason and his mother than I would have guessed. I liked Jason but I found myself really disappointed in him and he definitely didn’t live up to the expectations I had of him. He was so moody and could shut down very quickly even if Zoe tried to get him to explain things to her. I found myself really disliking him towards the end and sadly wanted Zoe to tell him to go away for good.

I did still like this book and besides Jason having some stupid moments it was really fun. Zoe makes the book great and worth reading all by herself. I am VERY excited for the next book with Larkin and Shane and cannot wait to read about them!