A review by rigel
The Cerulean by Amy Ewing


It was... boring.
I know that there's a big controversy over Sara's sexuality and whether or not its realistic that she could be heterosexual amongst a race of only women. Technically, yeah, it's possible since sexuality has a massive biological component and relies on the conformation of a certain brain area. Technically Sera could have been born with a mutation that caused that area to develop differently and make her heterosexual. But was it necessary for this story? Um, no. The only conceivable reason I could think up was that author wanted it to be a kind of fate-swap thing where Sera is a straight girl born into a lesbian world and Agnes is a lesbian born into a straight world and they find a home in each other's worlds? If that makes sense? Either way idk why author chose to write it like that. It's not like we're lacking heterosexual romances in the SFF genre, or any genre at all for that matter.