A review by xoerica
I Like Your Work: Art and Etiquette by Paper Monument, n+1


i was drawn to this book in person due to the aesthetics and how it fit in my hand. it’s tall, narrow, pleasing to look at—decidedly worth reading.

but as it turned out, i really disliked reading it. quite honestly i’m surprised i even finished it. (it took me 3 years to read the measly 54 pages.)

the book reads as a general interview on etiquette in the art world. some of the interviewees are polite and honest, but i found the majority of the responses to be self important and acting (too aware of what types of people might read it).

as a whole, i found it to be quite exhausting for my introverted personality—and also so relieved that i decided against 1. living in NYC and 2. getting involved with the contemporary art scene. i’d much rather mingle with vulnerable, wholehearted individuals.