A review by bookdragonheart
Huntress by Julie Hall


Overall I felt like this book was very exasperating. In the end, it seems that it was just intended as a big set up for another book, with possibly a longer story, with not a lot of resolution on much of anything, and some things “resolved” in a very unsatisfying way. As a result, it just felt very slow, often disjointed. Maybe in conjunction with the next book it will feel like a better story, but on its own it feels very incomplete.

There were also some plot holes with how things worked in the world of the afterlife that I found frustrating. Mostly because I think in an attempt at mystery, too many things were left either unexplained or barely explained. Some basic stuff that wouldn’t have impacted how the story progressed would’ve been helpful I think. A better explanation of memories versus knowledge. Even just the basic way of “life” in the afterlife was largely unexplained until she discovered it by accident or by making a mistake that someone had to correct her about. There kept being mention of some orientation that she missed, but at no time did anyone seem to want to provide the information she would’ve receive at this orientation to help things along. Again, just a lot of loose ends and unfinished ideas.

I’ll probably read the next book, mostly because I don’t like a story that is left hanging open this much, and I’m hoping that things will move along more productively in the next book. The audio performance was good, worked well the the character and didn’t retract anything from the story.

I received this audiobook free in exchange for my honest review.