A review by selket16
I Do Believe in Faeries by Erin Hayes


Jordyn's sister, Abbie, is upset that Jordyn is happily back home, abusing magic and essentially getting a happily ever after after the years long fiasco created by her bringing her boyfriend back to life. And poor Abbie doesn't even have any magic of her own to abuse. Life is so not fair.

In a moment of confusion, she goes against the cryptic warning of the guy who appeared out of nowhere in the woods and told her not to do anything, she makes a wish to some fairies for magic and the price is the unborn baby or her sister's friend.

This begins the boring and lengthy trip to the fairy realm with said creepy, forest guy--who, as it turns out is a fairy who continues to get her into trouble by constantly not giving her enough information to make an informed choice. But he's totally in to her so that makes it okay--except he's a seriously old fairy and she's 17. pedophilia is super icky. All this to get back the baby of a person she met once over lunch, someone so removed from her that I don't think the fairies had a legal claim to it in any realm.