A review by camillalice
Little Mouse's Big Breakfast by Christine Pym


We found this one by chance at the library, along with another one from the same publisher. It was quite interesting as I had never heard of Nosy Crow before. Both books are good but this one especially, so it deserves its own article!

Little Mouse's Big Breakfast tells the story of a mouse looking for his perfect breakfast as night falls and he realises he has nothing to eat for the morning. Just as he finds something perfect, he finds out he isn't the only one looking for breakfast.

I really liked the art. The illustrations are cute without being too cutesy (I mean, look at the mouse's little face with his big eyes!), colourful yet soft and not in your face. There is quite a lot of vocabulary about food, colours and adjectives, which is very good for language building.

Mr. Toddler really enjoyed listening to it and pointing things out in the pictures - at 18 months old his attention span is still quite short, so not all books grab his attention text-wise. He really liked the little mouse and the other animal (not spoiling!). I think we might buy this one for our personal library!
