A review by floralexistentialist
Rookie Yearbook One by Tavi Gevinson, Jamia Wilson


rookie holds such a special place in my heart. a place in my heart that both aches and bursts whenever i think about it. i was a late 17 year old when i found rookie in a corner of the internet and that first night i spent hours alone in the dark illuminated by the screen, going through page after page through the archives, completely amazed. where had this been all my life? my heart aches when i think about it because i'm regretful that i didn't have this sooner. oh, how my teenage life would have been different. i feel like this book could have saved me from a lot of sorrow. or at least given me a medium through which to channel it correctly. but despite all of that, it has still changed my life. i cherish these so dearly and when i saw the news that rookie was folding, i had to snatch all four of these yearbooks up. i could gush forever about all the art and writing and community this has fostered, but i'll save y'all (and myself) the time. rookie is brave, inclusive, and magical.