A review by litwithleigh
The Chase by Candice Fox


Writing: solid | Plot: OTT fun | Ending: two thumbs up


600 prisoners, including death row inmates, are released in a hostage situation. As a mac daddy manhunt begins, death row supervisor makes it her mission to bring back the man she considers the most evil: John Kradle, family annihilator.


I've read some reviews saying the plot was too implausible or ridiculous and respectfully, what were you expecting? The synopsis straight-up says SIX HUNDRED inmates are released. You cannot read this and expect it to depict the absolute clusterfuck and mass panic this would cause if it actually happened IRL. Right away, you know this is gonna be REDONK. Take your disbelief, bundle it up nice and tight, and drop kick that sucker into another dimension. It has no place here.

This is my seventh book by Candice Fox, and while it's certainly not her strongest, it's still enjoyable. Without a doubt, she's one of my highest rated authors. Out of the seven I've read I've tossed out three 5-stars, three 4-stars, and only one 3 star. Not only is she a WRITER, but she knows how to weave a captivating and entertaining story. If I'm going to yeet my disbelief, make it worth it by whipping up a unique premise. I'm not going to yeet my disbelief for a regular degular domestic thriller where *gasp* the husband was cheating!

In my travels (reading reviews) I've learned that some people don't like more than two POVs max. If that's you, stay far away. There's several POVs in this tale, and no, not all of them are necessary. In fact, if you axed Axe (heheheheh) from the lineup, it would make no difference to the outcome of the story. However, I enjoyed these lil snippets of different character, as I found them all entertaining. It's not often you can make me chuckle about a 70+ yr old serial killer on the lose doing what he does best (hint: it starts with a k and is NOT knitting).

Like I said, this book will only work if you're willing to lean into the ridiculousness. There's a lot of 'well ain't that convenient' moments or scenes that seem ripped from the silver screen, but it fits the vibe of the novel. I wouldn't recommend this to everyone, but if you're hankering for an action movie-esque, fun, unique book with a cast of colourful characters, give this one a whirl. If you want something a little more toned down but still interesting, opt for her Crimson Lake trilogy (blanket banger alert was issued!!!!). FYI if you've read [b:Fire with Fire|61885120|Fire with Fire|Candice Fox|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1671335637l/61885120._SY75_.jpg|97563970], I'd be very surprised if you didn't enjoy this one.


Pros: fun and funny, interesting characters, unique premise, fast-paced

Cons: extreme yeetage of disbelief required — yes some parts aren't flushed out


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