A review by lizzicrystal
The Year of Disappearances by Susan Hubbard


Finally, intellectual vampire fiction! The writing style captured me from the first page: clean, vivid writing that moves from scene to scene flawlessly, while making you want to linger and savor. Here we have vampires with such a wealth of knowledge they make the Twilight vampires look like small children. There is not the angsty action and romance of Twilight; it has a slower pace with memorable atmosphere and building suspense. It's the Jane Eyre of vampire fiction, and I loved it, up until the last ten pages.

I was so surprised that this book has received so little attention and no one knows about it, until I came to the end where it was made clear. If this is truly the second book in a three-part series it's excusable, but if the series ends with this book it fails entirely. The ending is sloppy; the mystery we've spent two books reading about is not solved and threads of the entire story are left hanging. As of yet I've found no announcement for a third book except a vague "there may be" on a video on the author's website, but I'm still hopeful, because I would love to read another in this series, and if there is someday a satisfying end, this will be one of my favorite series of all time.